Center for Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
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Research Faculty Faculty Affiliates

Dr. Nikki Camlin
Assistant Professor, Imaging Facility Director
Focus Area
Cellular and Molecular Biology, Reproductive Biology
Methods used in the lab: Mammalian cell culture (primary oocyte cells), standard molecular biology techniques
(e.g., immunoblotting, PCR, molecular cloning), advanced microscopy and micromanipulation,
standard yeast molecular and cellular biology techniques (e.g., growth assays, gene

Dr. Tristan Clemons
Assistant Professor
Focus Area
Polymeric Biomaterials
Methods used in the lab: Polymer synthesis, peptide chemistry, transmission electron microscopy and cell culture.

Dr. Alex Flynt
Associate Professor
Focus Area
Methods used in the lab: My lab use eukaryotic cell culture, advanced microscopy, recombinant DNA technologies,
RNA extraction/manipulation methods, and bioinformatics. We develop custom pipelines
for high-performance computer environments.

Dr. Jacques Kessl
Associate Professor
Focus Area
Biochemistry, Virology
Methods used in the lab: Routine biochemistry and virology methods including molecular biology, protein expression
and purification, ELISA, immunoblotting, and mammalian cell culture.

Dr. Alexandre Marques
Assistant Professor
Focus Area
Vaccine development, parasite immunobiology, ⍺Gal carbohydrates and lyme disease.
Methods used in the lab: Protein extraction and purification, mammalian cell culture, immunoblotting, PCR,
advanced microscopy, immunoassays (ELISAs, ELISPOTs, immunoblotting, flow cytometry).

Dr. Dmitri Mavrodi
Associate Professor
Focus Area
Methods used in the lab: Routine microbiological methods, microbiome analysis, plant assays, genome sequencing,
gene cloning, transposon and gene replacement mutagenesis, two-hybrid analysis, metabolomics,
transcriptomics (RNA-seq), bioinformatics, microscopy.

Dr. Nicole Phillips
Associate Professor
Focus Area
Molecular Ecology, Population Genetics, Conservation Genetics
Methods used in the lab: My labs are designed for trace DNA workflows, including historic DNA and environmental
DNA samples. We use DNA extraction, conventional PCR, qPCR, and Droplet Digital PCR
methods designed for low copy DNA targets. In separate lab spaces, we also use routine
methods for DNA isolation and sequencing from traditional tissue samples for population
genetics applications.

Dr. Vijay Rangachari
Professor, CMCB Director
Focus Area
Biochemistry, Biophysics
Methods used in the lab: Routine biochemistry and biophysical methods including molecular biology, protein
expression and purificaition, chromatography, biomolecular spectroscopy (fluorescence,
circular dichroism, FTIR, NMR), microscopy, light scattering, ELISA, immunolotting,
and mammiliam cell culture.

Dr. Ramesh Rijal
Assistant Professor
Focus Area
Host-Pathogen Interaction, Bacterial Pathogenesis, Dictyostelium discoideum and Macrophage Biology, Drug Discovery
Methods used in the lab: Infection Models (primary macrophages, a simple eukaryotic model system, Dictyostelium
discoideum, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other bacterial pathogens), Cell and Molecular
Biology Techniques (CRISPR interference, recombinant protein expression and purification,
routine cell, molecular, and biochemical assays, and in vitro and ex vivo assays),
Advanced Microscopy (high-resolution confocal and electron microscopy), Multi-Omics
Analysis (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics), Therapeutic Screening
(small molecule inhibitors)

Dr. Hao Xu
Associate Professor
Focus Area
Cell Biology
Methods used in the lab: ELISA, confocal microscopy, cell culture, CRISPRE, RNAi, in vitro reconstitution,
protein expression and purification, immunoprecipitation, molecular cloning
Faculty Affiliates

Dr. Olga Mavrodi
Research Laboratory Manager- Flynt Lab, Imaging Facility Project Coordinator