Center for STEM Education
Page Content
EdD Graduates
Oscar Jason Brouillette, Ed.D. Science Education
An Interdisciplinary Comparison of the Critical Thinking Objective Among Science and
Non-science Majors in Higher Education
Advisor: Dr. Ashley G. Morgan, Chairman of the Department of Science Education
James W. Barnes, Ed.D. Science Education
An Experiment in the Use of Programmed Lectures in Teaching the General Education
College Chemistry Course
Co-Advisors: Dr. Fred W. Brown and Dr. John H. Bedenbaugh
PhD Graduates
Benjamin Ray Allen, Ph.D. Science Education
The Development of a poly-axenic medium and its uses for Dileptus anser.
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Sula J Marsalis, Ph.D. Science Education
Comprehensive nomenclature analysis: its effects in chemistry at the Mississippi State
College for Women
Melander Kathleen Mary Roan, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the influence of Harvard project physics on the knowledge and attitudes
of non-science students at the university level. Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Mary Jayne Myers, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the identification of classroom practices of teachers in the use of three
new junior high school science curricula programs. Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Kenith Gene Exum, Ph.D. Science Education
Evaluation of a metric booklet as a supplement to teaching the metric system to undergraduate
non-science majors. Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Elizabeth A Bennett, Ph.D. Science Education
The determination of perceived educational needs of nurses employed in maternal health
and family planning services. Advisor: J. Flowers
Edgar L Gibson, Ph.D. Science Education
Relationships among measures of personality, teacher performance, and classroom verbal
interaction patterns of selected elementary school teachers. Advisor: Fred Brown
Sammy J Green, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison of the earth science curriculum project to the lecture method in junior
high school science classes. Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Edward Hunt Guilbert, Ph.D. Science Education
A standardized test in collegiate descriptive astronomy on selected concepts which
can be demonstrated in the planetarium. Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Troy T Southerland, Ph.D. Science Education
The impact of a SCIs implementation program on the teaching style of selected elementary
school teachers. Advisor: Iva Brown
Ted Wesley Reel, Ph.D. Science Education
The excavation and preparation of two fossilized whales. Advisor: Bobby Irby
Ralph W. Shaw Jr., Ph.D. Science Education
Factors influencing selection of specific science courses by students in certain non-science
academic areas at Southeastern Louisiana University. Advisor: Fred Brown
Bruce Douglas Dod, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparative analysis of the earth science curriculum project and a metric booklet
approach to teaching the metric system
Advisor: J. Flowers
Marie McKinnon Gieger, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of scientific attitudes among junior college students in Mississippi
Advisor: J. Flowers
James B. Johnston, Ph.D. Science Education
A taxonomic and statistical analysis of attitudes, opinions, scope, and selected content
areas of environmental education in Mississippi
Advisor: Robert Craven
Elbert Leslie Knight, Ph.D. Science Education
An investigation of the biological science curricula in the public and private junior
colleges of North Carolina
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Cecil Lee Murphy Sr., Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of corallobothrium on the growth rate of Ictalurus punctatus
Advisor: Robert Craven
John Asa Phillips, Ph.D. Science Education
A grain size frequency distribution analysis of selected beach and dune sands of Dauphin
Island, Alabama
Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
John Rietti, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparative study of chemistry achievement using two methods of evaluation, traditional
examination method and experimental assignment method
Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
William Thomas Brantley, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison of the audio-tutorial method with the lecture-demonstration method for
producing student achievement in college level physical science survey classes covering
physics and astronomy
Advisor: J. Matthews
Lloyd Edward Story Jr., Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of the BSCs inquiry slides on the critical thinking ability and process
skills of first-year biology students
Advisor: Iva Brown
John Lee Borom, Ph.D. Science Education
A descriptive study of seasonal fluctuations of macroscopic fauna in the submerged
grass beds in Mobile Bay, Alabama
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Thomas Jesse King, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the effects of a traditional and an audio-tutorial biology laboratory on
the attitudes of junior college students toward biology
Advisor: Robert Craven
J. Richard Moore, Ph.D. Science Education
Vascular flora of the arboretum of the University of Southern Mississippi, Harrison
County, Mississippi
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Charles Arthur Pickett, Ph.D. Science Education
An electron molecule collision apparatus for the study of quantum physics by the inquiry
Advisor: J. Matthews
Thomas Earl Bilbo, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison of two different approaches for teaching volume units of the metric system
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
James Lynn Flatt, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison of card deck programmed texts versus a conventional textbook for general
biology on the achievement levels of college freshman
Advisor: Fred Brown
Larry G. Hanshaw, Ph.D. Science Education
Test anxiety, self-concept, and the test performance of students paired for testing
and the same students working alone
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Newtie J. Boyd, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparative study of thirteen-college curriculum program physical science students
and applied science general chemistry students at Alcorn State University
Advisor: Bobby Irby
J. Keitz Haburay, Ph.D. Science Education
An investigation of the establishment of sessile marine communities in St. Louis Bay,
Hancock County, Mississippi
Advisor: Isadore Sonnierv
Jerry N. Hass, Ph.D. Science Education
The effects of performance objectives on attitude and achievement of students enrolled
in a principles of biology course for non-science majors at the University of Southern
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Elizabeth A. Humphrey, Ph.D. Science Education
The determination of perceived needs of adolescents for knowledge regarding reproduction
and reproductive physiology
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Ray Joseph Matherne, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparative study of selected criterion variables in ninth grade ISCs and traditional
science students after completion of a three year instructional program
Advisor: Robert Craven
Anna Phair Musgrave, Ph.D. Science Education
Characteristics of southeastern museums that feature science collections
Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Susan Jennings Nodurft, Ph.D. Science Education
The impact of an outdoor wilderness program on the participants' sense of connectedness
to the natural world
Advisor: Susan Ross
Douglas B. Schexnayder, Ph.D. Science Education
Selected high school factors as predictors of achievement in freshman college biology
Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Judy Beth Kemp, Ph.D. Science Education
An investigation of the effects of varying left and right hemisphere activities on
the achievement of fifth-grade science students
Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Edward D. Burow, Ph.D. Science Education
The relationship among secondary science students' locus of control, views of the
tentativeness of science, attitudes, perceptions of teaching strategies, and achievements
Advisor: J. Matthews
Jack Thomas Culpepper, Ph.D. Science Education
A status survey of the science supervisor in Mississippi
Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
John William Dapper, Ph.D. Science Education
Predictors of attitude towards science among undergraduate nonscience majors
Advisor: Iva Brown
Vera Mae Brooks Hayden, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the effects of traditional biology and selected biological science curriculum
study (BSCs) minicourses on the attitudes, achievement levels, and critical thinking
abilities of students at Alcorn State University. Advisor: Bobby Irby
Michael L. Womack, Ph.D. Science Education
The development and pilot testing of an audio-tutorial laboratory block on spiders
designed for introductory biology students
James Ralph Dunn, Ph.D. Science Education
The development, testing, and validation of a programmed unit on ecology
Advisor: L. Story
Wilmuth C. Lucas, Ph.D. Science Education
Analysis of the graduates' perception of the secondary science teacher education programs
at the University of Southern Mississippi
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Noel Russell Mann, Ph.D. Science Education
Identification and remediation of potential dropouts and failures in general college
Chemistry I at Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior college, Perkinston Campus
Advisor: Fred Brown
Robert Thornton Crews, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of predictors of student success on a national certification examination for
medical technology
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Richard James Daume, Ph.D. Science Education
The use of selected variables to compare science content achievement and science process
skill achievement in two junior high school science programs: ISCs and traditional
Advisor: Fred Brown
Annie Nelle Ware Fulton, Ph.D. Science Education
An investigation of the effectiveness of selected teaching strategies integrating
the teaching of science concepts and the improvement of reading-language skills
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Robert L. Moore, Ph.D. Science Education
Elementary teachers' attitudes toward student-centered science as related to teacher
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Donald Lamar Cooper, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the effects of an activity based inservice science program on teaching
attitudes, science process skills, and teaching style of elementary school teachers
Advisor: Iva Brown
Jacqueline Townsend Hunter, Ph.D. Science Education
Selected variables as predictors of achievement in general biology courses at Xavier
University of Louisiana
Advisor: Don Cotten
David Robertson, Ph.D. Science Education
A survey to determine the attitudes of administrators and science teachers toward
the addition of radiation science to curricula of secondary schools in Mississippi
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Lena Nell Hollis Melton Lewis, Ph.D. Science Education
Expectations of superintendents, principals, and science teachers toward the role
of a science coordinator
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Daniel Wayne Sanford, Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of a unit titled "Fossils" on student attitudes toward evolution
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Elizabeth Ann McGowen Bond, Ph.D. Science Education
Predictors of attitude toward the marine environment among science teachers in Mississippi
and Alabama
Advisor: Bobby Irby
John Abner Grant, Jr. Ph.D. Science Education
A statistical comparison of the learning of selected physics topics by junior college
students taught with and without calculus
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Lillie Carson Doty, Ph.D. Science Education
A study comparing the influence of inquiry and traditional science instruction methods
on science achievement, attitudes toward science, and integrated process skills in
ninth grade students and the relationship between sex, race, past performance in science,
intelligence and achievement
Advisor: Fred Brown
Joe Cliburn, Ph.D. Science Education
"An Ausubelian Approach to Instruction: The Use of Advance Organizers in a Junior
College Anatomy and Physiology Course"
Advisor: Donald R. Cotten
Donald Waynne Denson, Ph.D. Science Education
The relationships between cognitive styles, methods of instruction, knowledge, and
process skills of college chemistry students
Advisor: Don Cotton
Joe Goldsmith, Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of an activity based model toward the reduction of science teaching anxiety
in pre-service elementary science teachers
Advisor: Don Cotton
Lina K Holquist, Ph.D. Science Education
A quantitative comparison of alternate taxonomic keys: The relative utility of equivalent
materials with systematized treatment of construct variables for identification of
selected decapod crustaceans by randomized groups of students
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Nellie Stone Hill Lewis, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the effects of concrete experiences on the problem-solving experiences
on the problem-solving ability of tenth-grade students
Advisor: Fred Brown
Ezenwa Okeagu Lewis, Ph.D. Science Education
The effects of a science methods course with field experience on preservice teachers'
attitudes, concerns, and anxiety toward teaching science
Advisor: Iva Brown
Murray Paton Pendarvis, Ph.D. Science Education
The impact of integrated process skills training on inservice junior high school science
teachers' integrated process skills abilities, teaching anxieties, and classroom performance
Advisor: Iva Brown
Gene Autry Smith, Ph.D. Science Education
The effects of various teaching strategies on the cognitive achievement of first year
biology students
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Vivian P. McEwen, Ph.D. Science Education
Marine science education in the southeastern United States: A survey of existing programs
in state departments of education, and the development of a model workshop
Advisor: R. Cleminson
Wolff-Michael Roth, Ph.D. Science Education
A Neo-Piagetian approach to the development of problem solving strategies in the domain
of proportion problems
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Meissner Donald Wayne, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the relationship between science anxiety and grade level, gender, and students'
and parents' perceptions of science, scientists, and science teachers
Advisor: Iva Brown
Danny Anthony Philips, Ph.D. Science Education
An evaluation of the cognitive and affective changes resulting from implementation
on materials developed by teachers working for the Louisiana Department of Environmental
Advisor: Don Cotten
Sharon Elaine Henze Walker, Ph.D. Science Education
Predictors of cognitive achievement in marine education among elementary, middle,
and secondary school teachers in Mississippi and Alabama
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Robert Marzine Everett Jr., Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison between musical motivational instruction and traditional instruction
on achievement in seventh grade life science
Advisor: Fred Brown
Barry Ferguson, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the comparative effectiveness of an occluder for viewing with a monocular
Advisor: Don Cotten
Zoghlul Kabir, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparative study of illustrated versus non-illustrated instruments in the determination
of cognitive level knowledge of selected oceanography concepts by science teachers
of Mississippi and Alabama
Andrea Gayle Pickard Mize, Ph.D. Science Education
The use of a graphic advance organizer to improve learning and retention in teaching
problem solving related to the mole concept
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Sister Joanne Dorothy Bauer, Ph.D. Science Education
Analyzing conceptual understanding of acid-base chemistry through the application
of skill theory
Miller Ivan Emmert, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of teacher's attitudes, practices, and knowledge of space science in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana
Advisor: Fred Brown
Robert J. Barto, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of the effectiveness of student participation in test construction on attitude and achievement in high school chemistry classes
William Joseph Sumrall, Ph.D. Science Education
The effects of content and repetition for mastery on the problem solving abilities of physical science students
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Charles Pickford Egerton, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison between a videotaped presentation and a programmed instruction unit for effectiveness in supplementing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome education curriculums
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Kimberly Dawn Evans, Ph.D. Science Education
An investigation into the problem solving abilities of preservice elementary teachers
Advisor: Don Cotten
Donald Lee Lawson, Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of a supplemental video instruction program on the achievement and perceived debilitating test anxiety of community college students enrolled for the first time in introductory General Biology I
Advisor: Bobby Irby
William Paul Maurer, Ph.D. Science Education
The effectiveness of a mastery-learning strategy in enhancing cognitive achievement and problem-solving skills in an introductory chemistry program
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Richard E. Klee, Ph.D. Science Education
The Sonnier model of educational management: Does it measure cognitive achievement with relation to affective attainment between traditional and holistic treatments of teaching science?
Advisor: Isadore Sonnier
Catherine Perry Cotten, Ph.D. Science Education
A canonical correlation analysis of the cognitive variables of mathematics achievement and critical thinking and the affective variables of attitude toward mathematics, confidence in learning mathematics, and effectance motivation in learning mathematics
Advisor: Bobby Irby
Samuel Prescott Faulkner, Ph.D. Science Education
The influence of instructional strategy on cell concept learning and science attitude by fifth and sixth grade children
Advisor: Rosalina Hairston
Daniel Glenn Wiggins, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison of Nassi-Shneiderman and pseudocode as a planning aid for novice programmers in designing and developing structured basic programs
Advisor: Bobby Irby
James L. Baggett, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison between the use of different concept maps as advance organizers to supplement a unit on photosynthesis in a community college biology course
Advisor: Fred Brown
Carrol Anne Major Wicker, Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of instructor modeling of the BSCs "FIVE Es" instructional model on locus of control in science, anxiety about teaching science, and attitude toward teaching science on preservice elementary teachers
Advisor: Iva Brown
Jessie Burnette Wolf Hamil, Ph.D. Science Education, Coastal Science
An analytical assessment of process skill proficiencies and problem-solving perceptions of preservice elementary science teachers
Advisor: Don Cotten
Roy W. Hurst, Ph.D. Science Education
The cognitive nature of successful predictive reasoning in biology, and the role of practice in developing effective prediction problem solving skills
Advisor: Marlene Milkent
Robert Nicholas Masson, Ph.D. Science Education
Observations on the biology and natural history of solitary wasps inhabiting the natural science park in Forrest County, Mississippi
Advisor: Fred Howell
Robert Glenn Molsbee, Ph.D. Science Education
Science achievement as a criterion for judging the effectiveness of home schooling, Christian schooling, and public schooling
Advisor: Rosalina Hairston
Ann Therese Zukoski, Ph.D. Science Education
Initial misconceptions and change in misconceptions through traditional instruction, and their relationship to students' learning styles and achievement in first semester college physics
Advisor: Iva Brown
Jeff A. Thomas, Ph.D. Science Education
Analyzing factors affecting knowledge and defensibility of attitudes toward wetlands
Advisor: Rosalina Hairston
Robert J. Anthony Sr., Ph.D. Science Education
A comparative study of an audio-tutorial and a conventional lecture method of instruction in biological science courses for non-science majors at Jackson State University
Advisor: Robert Craven
Kamel Salim Dallal, Ph.D. Science Education
The Influence of the guided constructivist instructional model on attitudes toward secondary-level physics
Advisor: Iva Brown
Deanna Lee Kuiper Noyes, Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of a short-term intervention on the development of spatial ability in middle school
Advisor: Iva Brown
Barbara Ann Matherly Poole, Ph.D. Science Education
An exploration of the perceptions, developmental reasoning levels, differences in learning processes, and academic achievement levels of students in introductory college microbiology
Advisor: Iva Brown
Nancy Lee Long, Ph.D. Science Education
Pathways to mathematical excellence: An international perspective
Advisor: Gary Walls
Robert Terrelle Long, Long, Ph.D. Science Education
Pathways to mathematical excellence: A national perspective
Advisor: Gary Walls
Joyce A. Mullins Long, Ph.D. Science Education
How field trips in natural areas associated with museums, arboreta, and aquaria impact the educational experiences of teachers and students
Martha Alexander Goss, Ph.D. Science Education
Writing to learn: An experiment in calculus
Advisor: Gary Walls
Melissa Wiggins, Ph.D. Science Education
A comparative study of two algorithm animation tools as aids in algorithm understanding
The change in students' understanding of the mole concept in introductory college chemistry
Elizabeth Anne Gates Applin, Ph.D. Science Education
The application of language acquisition theory to programming concept instruction: Chunks versus programs from scratch
Melinda Downs Gann, Ph.D. Science Education
The effects of the integration of thinking skills on preservice teachers' beliefs about mathematics and teaching mathematics
Advisor: Susan Ross
David Jay Hebert, Ph.D. Science Education
Technology as a tool for integrating high school algebra and geometry
Advisor: Susan Ross
Sherry Shelton Herron, Ph.D. Science Education
The development and assessment of constructivist-based curriculum changes in a university general biology laboratory course
Advisor: Rosalina Hairston
James Edward Lilly, Ph.D. Science Education
A study of preservice elementary teachers enrolled in a discrepant-event-based physical science class
Advisor: Rudy Sirochman
Georgia Stratton Miller, Ph.D. Science Education
The effect of computer tutorial software as a mode of instruction in intermediate algebra
Advisor: Susan Ross
Abdulsalam D. Saif, Ph.D. Science Education
Analyzing the high school biology education in Yemen
Advisor: Rosalina Hairston
Gary Martin Manfready, Ph.D. Science Education
A study on the impact of the globe program on students' attitudes regarding environmental issues
Advisor: Gail Russell
Martinez Lance Michael Ph.D. Science Education
A comparison of two microscale laboratory reporting methods in a secondary chemistry class
Advisor: Larry Bellipanni
Hassan Aziz Ph.D. Science Education
Assessment of laboratory safety knowledge among biological sciences students at the University of Southern Mississippi
Advisor: M. Hudson
Wassim Fouad Zoubeir, Ph.D. Science Education
Crafting computer projected simulations and interactive engagement methods within a traditional classroom setting: The influence on secondary level students' understanding of Newtonian mechanics and on attitudes towards physics
Advisor: Rudy Sirochman
Deborah B. Booth, Ph.D. Science Education
Student authorizing of kinemages in biochemistry
Advisor: Susan Ross
Margaret L. Perkins West, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Gender underrepresentation in beginning computer programming courses
Advisor: Susan Ross
Tracy Evans Pickett, Ph.D. Science Education, Physics
Mathematical preparation and success in introductory physics
Advisor: Joe Whitehead
Ivy Aleta Sullivan, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Conceptual and attitude change of community college students through reading-writing-science learning connection
Advisor: Rosalina Hairston
Beth Ann Dunigan, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Motivation and learning strategies of students in distance education
Advisor: Ken Curry
Wassim El-Labban, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
Assessment of the effect of online homework on achievement in chemistry
Advisor: Jeff Evans
William Bradford Smith, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
Efficacy of the post-secondary environmental science education program on the attitude toward science of a group of Mississippi national guard youth challenge program students
Santonino Ku'caya Banya, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
A Study of the Factors Affecting the Attitudes of Young Female Students Toward Chemistry
at the High School Level
Advisor: Emory Howell
Gregory John Brust, Ph.D. Science Education, Polymer Science
Living in a material world: Development and evaluation of a new materials science
course for nonscience majors
Advisor: Lon Mathias
Student Perceptions: Importance of and Satisfaction with Aspects of an Online Biology Course
Instructor Satisfaction and attitude toward online Instruction
Advisor: Kenneth Curry
Glenn Dale, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
Advisor: Robert Bateman
Tony Taylor, Ph.D. Science Education, Coastal Science
Thinking Outside ISD: A Management Model for Instructional Design
Ahmad Shatila, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
Assessing the Impact of Integrating POGIL in Elementary Organic Chemistry
Advisor: Robert Bateman
Douglas Magomo, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Dynamics of a Model Three Species Predator-Prey System with Choice
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Kate Hampton, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Using Children’s Literature to Enhance Views of Nature of Science and Scientific Attitude in Fourth Graders
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
David Bramlett, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
A Study of African-American College Students’ Attitudes Towards Mathematics
Advisor: Jose Contreras
Candice Carter, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
An Analysis of the Effects of a Computer-Enhanced Curriculum and Gender on Student Achievement in Mathematics at a Historically Black College and University
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Tommy Sumrall, Ph.D. Science Education, Physics
South Mississippi Public Elementary Teachers’ Implementation of and Attitudes toward Inquiry-based Science
Advisor: Chris Sirola
Consuella Artiemese Davis, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Gender, Mathematics, Reading Comprehension and Science Reasoning as Predictors of Science Achievement Among African-American Students at a Historical Black College or University
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Carl Drake, Ph.D. Science Education, Physics
African-American College Student Attitudes Toward Physics and Their Effect on Achievement
Advisor: Joe B. Whitehead, Jr.
Tamilselvi Gopal, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Integration of 5E Learning Cycle and Technology in Teaching Undergraduate Anatomy and Physiology Lab
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Paula Rae Gossard, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Teaching Science In Light Of World View: The Effect of Contextualized Instruction
on the Scientific Compatibility of Religious College Students' World Views
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Ningjun Ye, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Assessing the Impact of a Computer-Based College Algebra Course
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Allison Hardin Duckworth, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Cooperative Learning: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Achievement in a Traditional, Online,
and Hybrid Instructional Setting
Advisor: Kenneth Curry
Sarah Elizabeth Wheeless, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
The Natural Provenance: Ecoliteracy in Higher Education in Mississippi
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Aimée Thomas, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Professional Development in College Science Teaching
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Amy Bishop, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
The Effect of a Math Emporium Course Redesign in Developmental and Introductory Mathematics
Courses on Student Achievement and Attitudes toward Mathematics at a Two-Year College
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Jacob A. Dasinger, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Causal Attributions of Nontraditional Students in a Developmental Mathematics Course
at a Two-Year College
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Betsy Sullivan, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Changes in Perceived Self-Efficacy and Attitude toward Science and Teaching Science
in Elementary School
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Christy Michelle Hollis Philippoff, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Establishing Construct Validity of the Biology I Subject Area Testing Program in Mississippi
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Allison Armstrong Downing, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
The Relationship between Attitude and Anxiety toward Teaching Science in Pre-Service
Elementary Teachers and the Use of Science Olympiad Events
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Felecia Culver Thadison, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
Investigating Macroscopic, Submicroscopic, and Symbolic Connections in a College-Level
General Chemistry Laboratory
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Houbin Fang, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
The Effects of Simplified Schema-Based Instruction on Elementary Students’ Mathematical
Word-Problem Solving Performance
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Kari Michelle Everett, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Does the Use of a Graphing Calculator Tutorial Affect the Attitudes, Achievement,
and Calculator Ability of Non-Mathematics Majors in a Calculus Course?
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Hiba Salim Naccache, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Factors Related to Student Performance in Statistics Courses in Lebanon
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Tracy Lynn Moore, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
Seeing the Chemistry around Me-Helping Students Identify the Relevance of Chemistry
to Everyday Life
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Angela Suzanne Dudley Bruni, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Dialogue as a Tool for Meaning Making
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Xiaolan Li, Ph.D. Science Education, Chemistry
The Effect of Asian Origin,Culture and Learning Beliefs on High School Students’ Physical
Science Learning Beliefs
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Rachel Syring Ryan, Ph.D. Science Education, Coastal Science
The Effect of Online Discussion Forums of Student Learning and Student Perception
of Learning in a Science Course at the Community College Level
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Vivian Lee Smith, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Science Fair: Is it Worth the Work? A Qualitative Study on Deaf Students' Perceptions
and Experiences Regarding Science Fair in Primary and Secondary School
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Joanna Lynn Bush Singletary, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
The Role of Service-Learning in College Students' Environmental Literacy: Content
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Kelly Elizabeth Rouse, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Gamification in Science Education: The Relationship of Educational Games to Motivation
and Achievement
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Reginald Quinn, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Students' Confidence in the Ability to Transfer Basic Math Skills in Introductory
Physics and Chemistry Courses at a Community College
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
John Carlos Parr, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
View of Socioscientific Issues among Educators: The Willingness of Teachers to Accept
SSI into the Classroom and the Reasoning Underlying those Beliefs
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Jill Deanne Maroo, Ph.D. Science Education, Biology
Nursing Students' Attitudes Toward Science in the Nursing Curricula
Advisor: Kristy L. Halverson
Michael Howard, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
Moving College Students to a Better Understanding of Substrate Specificity of Enzymes through Utilizing Multimedia Pre-Training and an Interactive Enzyme Model
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Taylor Kilman, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
The Relationship between Students’ Applied Mathematics Skills and Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Pramila Shakya, Ph.D. Science Education, Physics
Assessment of Student Knowledge of the Weak and Strong Nuclear Forces
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Novelty or Knowledge? A Study of Using a Student Response System in Non-major Biology Courses at a Community College
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Suzanne Jennings, Ph.D. Science Education, Mathematics
What Concerns are Secondary Mathematics Teachers Experiencing with the Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and is there a Relationship between the Concerns and Professional Development Received?
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Assessing Awareness, Interest, and Knowledge of Fractal Geometry among Secondary Mathematics Teachers in the U.S. and China
Advisors: Sherry S. Herron and Jiu Ding
Math Emporium Model: Preparing Developmental Students for College Algebra
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
An Analysis of the ACT Sub-scores' Ability to Predict the Outcome of College Algebra Through the Lens of Modern Chaos Theory
Advisors: Sherry S. Herron and Richard S. Mohn
A Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing the Professional Longevity of High School Science Teachers
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Analysis of Professors' Perceptions Towards Institutional Redevelopment of Brownfield Sites in Alabama
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
The Design of an Instrument to Assess Clinical Laboratories Efficacy Post Implementation of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
A Comparative Study Teaching Chemistry Using the 5E Learning Cycle & Traditional Teaching with a Large English Language Population in a Middle School Setting
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
A Study of the Teaching Beliefs of GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Teachers
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
The Influence of Conservation Tillage and Conventional Tillage on Soil Bacterial Diversity in Southern Illinois
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
Classroom Response Systems: Does Instantaneous Feedback Affect Students' Knowledge and Self-Efficacy in a Secondary Science Course
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron
A Mixed Methods Approach to Study the Effects of a Naturalist Summer Program on the Perceptions of African American Children About Nature
Advisor: Sherry S. Herron