Gulf Coast Geospatial Center
Page Content
Wrack placement to augment constructed dunes: A field investigation | Provost, L. A., Eisemann, E. R., Anderson, C. P., & Waldron, M. C. B. | 2022 | Frontiers in Built Environment, 8(October), 1–16. | |
Precise elevation thresholds associated with salt marsh-upland ecotones along the Mississippi Gulf Coast | C.P. Anderson, G.A. Carter, and M.C.B. Waldron | 2022 | Annals of the American Asosciation of Geographers, . | |
Using aerial imagery to determine the effects of sea-level rise on fluvial marshes at the mouth of the Pascagoula River (Mississippi, USA) | M.C.B. Waldron, G.A. Carter, and P.D. Biber | 2021 | Journal of Coastal Research, 37(2), 389-407. | |
Coastal barriers – fresh look at origins, nomenclature, and classification issues. | E.G. Otvos | 2020 | Geomorphology, 355(2020), 107000. | |
Catastrophic storm impact and gradual recovery on the Mississippi-Alabama barrier islands, 2005-2010: Changes in vegetated and total land area, and relationships of post-storm ecological communities with surface elevation. | G.A. Carter, E.G. Otvos, C.P. Anderson, W.R. Funderburk, and K.L. Lucas | 2018 | Geomorphology, 321(2018), 72-86. | |
Coastal barriers, northern Gulf - Last Eustatic Cycle; Genetic categories and development contrasts. A review. | E.G. Otvos | 2018 | Quaternary Science Reviews 193: 212-243. | |
Land cover data for the Mississippi–Alabama barrier islands, 2010–2011. | G.A. Carter, C. P. Anderson, K. L. Lucas, and N. L. Hopper | 2016 | Data, 1, 16. | |
The use of aerial R, G, B imagery and LIDAR in comparing ecological habitats and geomorphic features on a natural versus man-made barrier island. | C.P. Anderson, G.A. Carter, and W.R. Funderburk | 2016 | Remote Sensing, 8, 602. | |
Habitat change on Horn Island, Mississippi, 1940-2010, determined from textural features in panchromatic vertical aerial imagery. | G.W. Jeter, Jr. and G.A. Carter | 2016 | Geocarto International, 31(9): 985-994. | |
Evaluating the influence of elevation and impact of Hurricane Katrina on radial growth in slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii Engelm.) on Cat Island, Mississippi, U.S.A. | W.R. Funderburk, G.A. Carter, and C.P. Anderson | 2016 | Journal of Coastal Research, 32(3): 483-489. | |
Going with the flow or against the grain? The promise of vegetation for protecting beaches, dunes and barrier islands from erosion. | R.A. Feagin, J. Figlus, J.C. Zinnert, J. Sigren, M.L. Martinez, R. Silva, W.K. Smith, D. Cox, D.R. Young, and G.A. Carter. | 2015 | Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(4): 203-210. | |
The Last Interglacial Stage: Definitions and marine highstand, North America and Eurasia. | E.G. Otvos | 2015 | Quaternary International, 383: 158-173. | |
Seagrasses in the Mississippi and Chandeleur Sounds and problems associated with decadal-scale change detection. | L.T. Pham, P.D. Biber, and G.A. Carter | 2014 | Gulf of Mexico Science, 32: 24-43. | |
Change in distribution and composition of vegetated habitats on Horn Island, Mississippi, northern Gulf of Mexico, in the initial five years following Hurricane Katrina. | K.L. Lucas and G.A. Carter | 2013 | Geomorphology, 199(2013): 129-137. | |
Rapid and widespread response of the Lower Mississippi River to eustatic forcing during the last glacial-interglacial cycle: Discussion. | E.G. Otvos | 2013 | GSA Bulletin (2013) 125 (7-8): 1369–1374. | |
Regressive and transgressive barrier islands on the north-central Gulf Coast – contrasts in evolution, sediment delivery, and island vulnerability. | E.G. Otvos and G.A. Carter | 2013 | Geomorphology, 198(2013): 1-19. | |
Nomenclature, processes, and classification issues. | E.G. Otvos | 2012 | Geomorphology, 353(2020), 139: 39-52, 2012. | |
Historical changes in seagrass coverage on the Mississippi barrier islands, northern Gulf of Mexico, determined from vertical aerial imagery (1940-2007). | G.A. Carter, K.L. Lucas, P.D. Biber, G.A. Criss, and G.A. Blossom | 2011 | Geocarto International, 26(8): 663-673. | |
Hurricane signatures and landforms - toward improved interpretations and global storm climate chronology. | E.G. Otvos | 2011 | Sedimentary Geology, 239: 10-22. | |
Decadal-scale changes in habitat abundance and distribution on Horn Island, Mississippi. | K.L. Lucas and G.A. Carter. | 2010 | Journal of Coastal Research 26: 1142-1148. | |
Barrier islands: Coupling anthropogenic stability with ecological sustainability. | R.A. Feagin, W.K. Smith, N.P. Psuty, D.R. Young, J.C. Gibeaut, M.L. Martinez, G.A. Carter, K.L. Lucas, J.N. Gemma, and R.E. Koske | 2010 | Journal of Coastal Research 26: 987-992. | |
Estimating vascular plant species richness on Horn Island, Mississippi using small-footprint airborne LIDAR. | K.L. Lucas, G.T. Raber, and G.A. Carter. | 2010 | Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4, 043545. | |
Remotely sensed spectral heterogeneity as a proxy of species diversity: Recent advances and open challenges. | D. Rocchini, N. Balkenhol, G.A. Carter, G.M. Foody, T.W. Gillespie, K.S. He, S. Kark, N. Levin, K. Lucas, M. Luoto, H. Nagendra, J. Oldeland, C. Ricotta, J. Southworth, and M. Neteler | 2010 | Ecological Informatics 5: 318-329. | |
Clouds and cloud immersion alter photosynthetic light quality in a temperate mountain cloud forest. |
K. Reinhardt, W. K. Smith, and G. A. Carter | 2010 | Botany, 88: 462-470. | |
Remote sensing and mapping of tamarisk along the Colorado River, USA: A comparative use of summer-acquired Hyperion, Thematic Mapper and QuickBird data. | G.A. Carter, K.L. Lucas, G.A. Blossom, C.L. Lassitter, D.M. Holiday, D.S. Mooneyhan, D.R. Fastring, T.R. Holcombe, and J.A. Griffith | 2009 | Remote Sensing 1: 318-329. | |
The use of hyperspectral remote sensing to assess vascular plant species richness on Horn Island, Mississippi. | K.L. Lucas and G.A. Carter | 2008 | Remote Sensing of Environment 112: 3908-3915. | |
Seagrass mapping in the northern Gulf of Mexico using airborne hyperspectral imagery: a comparison of classification methods. | E. Peneva, J.A. Griffith, and G.A. Carter | 2008 | Journal of Coastal Research 24: 850-856. | |
Hurricane degradation – barrier development cycles, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: landform evolution and island chain history. | E.G. Otvos and G. A. Carter | 2008 | Journal of Coastal Research 24: 463-478. | |
Derivative analysis of AVIRIS data for crop stress detection. | L. Estep, and G. A. Carter | 2005 | Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 71: 1417-1421. | |
Indicators of plant species richness in AVIRIS spectra of a mesic grassland. | G.A. Carter, A.K. Knapp, J.E. Anderson, G.A. Hoch, and M.D. Smith | 2005 | Remote Sensing of Environment 98: 304-316. | |
Use of a prototype instrument to detect short-term changes in solar-excited leaf fluorescence. | G.A. Carter, A. Freedman, P.L. Kebabian, and H.E. Scott | 2004 | International Journal of Remote Sensing 25: 1779-1784. |
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Gulf Coast Geospatial Center
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Long Beach, MS 39560
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