Office of Sustainability
Trashion Fashion Show
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The 4th Annual Trashion Fashion Show is being sponsored by the Southern Miss Office of Sustainability, Volunteer USM and the Center for Community Engagement. This year's event will be held on Tuesday, April 21, at 6 p.m. in the Cochran Center Ballrooms. Participants can create an original outfit from recyclable or reused material for a chance to win cool prizes.
Entries will be accepted from current Southern Miss students only. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place in two categories: individual and organization.
Click here to register. The deadline to register is Monday, March 23.
1. Fashion ensemble must be made from at least 75% recyclable or reused materials
that would otherwise be thrown away or recycled. These fashions can include cardboard,
steel/tin, recycled fabric or clothing, aluminum, plastics, paper cartons, chipboard,
newspaper, mixed papers (magazines, junk mail, and catalogs), paper bags, and glass.
2. Each entry must provide its own model. The model does not have to be part of the design team.
3. Limit six entries per organization.
4. Footwear, jewelry, purses, and other accessories may be used to enhance the overall costume.
5. Click here to download the information form, which must be completed and turned in at the rehearsal on Monday, April 20.
The “environmental factoid” that connects with your outfit to the environment will be read during the fashion show (i.e., Angie’s dress is made of 138 sheets of paper. In the U.S., we throw away 4.5 million tons of office paper each year).
6. If the information form does not show that the entry meets the eligibility requirements, the entry will be disqualified.
Entries will be judged by a panel of judges based on the following criteria: use of
recyclable/reusable materials, creativity, originality, craftsmanship, and environmental
factoid. Prizes will be awarded as designated by judges. All judges’ decisions are
final and not subject to change.
Visa gift cards will be awarded for individual and group winners.
- 1st Place - $100 visa gift card
- 2nd Place - $75 visa gift card
- 3rd Place - $50 visa gift card
Material Suggestions:
Consider how these items can be cut, folded, molded, knotted, shredded, stitched,
woven or reconstructed to make an outfit or specific sections within the design.
· Scraps of textiles or tiles
· Recyclables – paper, plastics, aluminum, cardboard, magazines, phone books,
· Beverage bottle caps or six-pack rings
· Burlap or plastic bags
· Packaging materials
· Food containers (clean)
· Anything found from the garbage or recycling bin
Ideas for Finding Materials:
These are some starter ideas, but the possibilities are endless!
· Ask friends/neighbors to collect materials such as plastic grocery bags for
· Shrink wrap – any grocery or department store
· Any manufacturing industry, business or corporation
· Canvas scraps – canvas bag industry
· Burlap bags – coffee roasters
· Silver plastic coffee bags – Coffee Shops
· Recycled materials – your local recycling center
Means to Attach Materials
Try to use environmentally-friendly glues, dyes, paints, resins, etc. and be mindful
of the weight of materials being used in the finished product.
- Hot glue gun or crazy glue
- Safety pins or staples
- Packing or duct tape
- Paper clips or rubber bands
- Machine or hand sewing
- Weaving, braiding, lacing, crocheting or knitting materials
- Natural adhesives – rice, flour with water mixture or milk/vinegar/baking soda