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Peter Durkee Super Stars

peter durkee

Dr. Durkee served as the division's senior officer for 25 years and during that time his support for student services--such as career development and student wellness--made a significant impact on the University. This support and many additional actions have contributed to the success of thousands of Southern Miss students. The Peter Durkee Super Star Award recognizes an employee within the Division of Student Affairs for significant contributions to the mission and realization of the vision.

2024 Recipient


major donald parhm

Hattiesburg Operations
University Police Department


Past Recipients

Tangee Carter, Assistant Director of Residential Learning, Leadership, and Recruitment

tangee carter

Lt. Jared Pierce, Patrol Lieutenant for the University Police Department

jared pierce

Delores McNair, Assistant Dean of Students (Student Outreach & Support)

delores mcnair

"Her care is the same for each student, regardless of the intensity of the situation. She is patient, compassionate and very thorough in her work. These interactions are usually what starts the relationships with students that she develops while they are pursuing a degree and beyond."

Nneka Ayozie, Assistant Director of the Center for Community Engagement (CCE)

nneka ayozie

"As Assistant Director, Nneka works closely with undergraduate students in CCE’s REACH and Alternative Service Break programs and serves as advisor to our affiliated student organization, Volunteer USM. The work she does to develop students’ sense of civic responsibility, leadership skills, organizational ability, and goal-setting is incredible. I charged Nneka with restructuring all three of those programs when she arrived at USM in August, and the turnaround has been remarkable."

Emily Holmes, Director of the Office of Leadership and Student Involvement 

emily holmes

"Emily is a gem uncovered here in Student Affairs. She advocates for the students daily, as well as, supports the university and divisional goals and values. She is efficient, pays attention to detail and makes sure that everyone on her team is taken care of."

April Broome, Assistant to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life

april broome

“April has become a stronghold of support. . . .There is never a question she cannot assist with; never a role she does not excel in. . . More than just getting the job done, April truly cares about the mission of the division and the institution as a whole which is why she goes above and beyond her “day” job duties as serves as Staff Council president as well as advises a sorority. . . . Many times you will find April behind the scenes—not asking for the accolades or recognition but truly working hard from her own intrinsic motivation to make a difference."

Thomas Deus, Associate Director for Recreational Sports

thomas deus

"Not only is Tom a key contributor to the success of Recreational Sports, he is also a strong supporter of the mission, vision, and goals of the [Division] of Student Affairs. His mentorship continues to be a catalyst in the professional development of his employees and peers.”