School of Social Science and Global Studies
Graduate Students
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Sydnie Bianchi B.A. in Anthropology and Forensic Science Chemistry, 2015, Southeast Missouri State University Research Interests: Osteology, forensic anthropology, and bioarchaeology. |
Kristi Carnahan Kristi.CarnahanFREEMississippi B.S. in Nursing, 2008, University of Louisiana at Monroe B.A. in Anthropology, 2015, Louisiana State University. Research Interests: Human osteology, paleopathology, skeletal pathology, trauma and taphonomic analyses, and forensic anthropology. |
Brian Flynt B.A. in History, 1996, University of Southern Mississippi Research Interests: Historical archaeology, antebellum plantations and farmsteads, vernacular architecture and landscapes, historical cemeteries, wealth, status, and power projection, consumerism, material culture theory, archaeological theory. |
Kaitlin Harstine Kaitlin.HarstineFREEMississippi B.A. in Anthropology, 2016, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Research Interests: Forensic anthropology, human osteology, biological anthropology, medical anthropology, disasters, displacement, human rights, and paleopathology |
Dana Hauffe B.A. in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Ethno-Archaeology, 2015, Northwestern State University Research interests include: Southeastern archaeology, ethno-botany in the Southeast, Native American Studies, applied anthropology in resolving assimilation issues of the Choctaw and other indigenous peoples, Choctaw history and social growth in the modern world, application of environmental and cultural laws in archaeology. |
Daniella Kawa B.S. Anthropology, B.A. History, 2016, Virginia Commonwealth University Research Interests: Cultural anthropology, museum studies, women's culture, late 19th/early 20th century US history and culture. Enrolled in Dual Degree with History. |
Jennifer Lewis Jennifer.E.LewisFREEMississippi B.S in Anthropology, 2014, Southern Illinois University Research Interests: Native Americans and religion. |
Carson Rouse B.A. in Archaeology and History, 2016, University of North Carolina Research interests: Bioarchaeology, paleopathology, osteology, forensic anthropology, and southeastern archaeology. |
Jaime Thomas B.A. in Anthropology, 2017, University of Mississippi Research Interests: osteology, bioarchaeology, paleopathology, morphometric analysis of dentition, how an environment and climate can affect a population's biological processes, Maya archaeology |
Jordan Wilson B.A. in History, 2015, Northwestern State University, LA Research Interests: Archaeology and cultural anthropology, prehistory, and zooarchaeology. |