Office of Research Integrity
IRB Training Material and Sample Forms
Page Content
Training Materials:
- InfoEd Training Course - This training course is REQUIRED for all students. You must complete this training prior to submitting an IRB application. After completion, you will receive a certificate to upload on InfoEd.
- InfoEd Training Document - This document corresponds with the above InfoEd Training Course. It will walk you through how to navigate InfoEd, as well as how to submit/revise an application.
- Frequently Asked Questions - This document outlines FAQs about InfoEd. You should refer to this document first before reaching out for additional help.
- InfoEd Quick Start Manual - This provides a basic introduction to InfoEd including how to access InfoEd and how to create an Initial Application.
- Making Revisions - After submitting your Initial Application, you may receive reviewer comments requesting edits. To address those comments, you will revise your Initial Application. Use this guide to help. Do not create a modification.
- Making Modifications - If you would like to make modifications to a previously approved protocol, refer to this guide.
- Updating Email Address in CITI - If your CITI certificates are not autopopulating in InfoEd, refer to this guide.
- Reviewing a Submission - If you are an IRB reviewer, refer to this guide for instructions.
- Approving the Submission - After reviewing an application, you will need to either approve or not approve the application. Refer to this guide for instructions.
- InfoEd Training Session Video - The IRB office frequently holds training sessions to walk new students/faculty through the IRB process and InfoEd. Here is a recorded video from our most recent session (updated 9/9/22).
Sample Forms:
The following are sample forms (consent, assent, etc.) which will need to be modified appropriately for your study and attached to your IRB submission in InfoEd. The use of these templates is not required - they are meant to serve as a reference for what information needs to be included on each document.
Standard Consents:
Parental Consent and Assent:
Forms Dealing with The Use of Foreign Languages In the Study:
Oral Presentation Consent:
HIPAA Related:
Sample External Documentation:
Data Sharing: