Office of the Registrar
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Fall Intersession 2025: August 4 - 15 |
What is an intersession?
An intersession is a short session that happens in the three weeks before the full fall and spring semesters. Intersession classes are intense, because they deliver a full semester class in a very short time frame. Because of the intensity, students can only take one class (up to four credit hours) during an intersession.
How are intersession courses different from regular classes?
Because of the short time period, classes are intense and require a significant amount of work outside the classroom. Many students find that being immersed in a single subject they are studying every day helps them learn and retain better.
Do intersession classes count as part of the full semester for credit hours/financial aid?
Yes. The January intersession is considered part of spring semester, so any class you take then will be part of your spring semester hours for enrollment and financial aid purposes. For example, if you take three hours in the intersession and twelve hours in the regular full session, you will have 15 hours for spring.
Who should take an intersession class?
There are many reasons to take an intersession course. Students may have fallen behind or switched majors and need an extra class to stay on track for timely graduation. They may want to reduce their course load the following semester so they have more time to focus on each class. They may have had difficulty passing a course, and want to retake it in an immersive atmosphere without the distraction of 3–5 other classes.
How much do intersession classes cost?
Tuition is included in full-time tuition provided you are within the 12-19 hour window the following semester, but there is a $20 per credit hour course fee, so a 3-credit intersession course costs $60, which is folded in to your charges for the following semester. If you are on financial aid, be sure to speak to a financial aid counselor about your options for intersession courses.
Fall 2025 Intersession Classes
ENG 203 – World Literature
ENG 491 – Secondary English Practicum
MAT 101 – College Algebra
MLS 405 – Clinical Parasitology
MLS 405L – Clinical Parasitology Laboratory
MLS 505 – Clinical Parasitology
MLS 505L – Clinical Parasitology Laboratory
PSY 110 – General Psychology
SOC 101 – Understanding Society: Principles of Sociology
UNV 312 – Mentoring Students in the University
ANT 101 – The Human Experience: A Global Perspective on Human Diversity
PSY 360 – Introduction to Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SOC 101 – Understanding Society: Principles of Sociology
BSC 492 – Special Problems I, II, III
NSG 311 – Pathophysiology