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Pre-Physician Assistant

Pre-Physician Assistant

As you become a physician assistant, you will examine, diagnose, and treat patients with the approval of a doctor. Depending on your specialty, physician assistants may work in all areas of medicine, including primary care and family medicine, emergency medicine, surgery, and psychiatry. 

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Here are some of the local or surrounding area professional schools:


Navigating the Application Process

Beginning early with the application process allows students to structure an academic plan of study. Physical assistant programs do not admit based on course prerequisites and GPA alone. Most programs also have a series of additional requirements, including competitive scores in the MCAT, GRE (Graduate Record Examinations), or PA-CAT and high GPA (overall and prerequisite), providing evidence of care for people through service and shadowing experiences, leadership roles, and more!

We encourage you to contact our pathways expert to support you in your professional development endeavors.

Here are some of the local or surrounding area professional schools:

The University of Southern Mississippi (Gulf Park Campus)
Mississippi College (Clinton, MS)
Mississippi State University (Meridian, MS)
Louisiana State University (New Orleans, LA)
University of Alabama at Birmingham (Birmingham, AL)
University of South Alabama (Mobile, AL)
Program Directory

Some students already have a B.A. or B.S. and then decide to pursue becoming a physician assistant. Students in this category should consult with our pre-professional office. In general, these students lack some of the science courses required by most PA schools. In some cases, the required courses may be over 10 years old, which most PA schools do not accept. It is common for these students to take the prerequisite science or non-science courses for PA school at USM as post-baccalaureate students while also working on polishing their applications and taking the MCAT, GRE, or PA-CAT.

Some post-baccalaureate students take the prerequisite courses as a non-degree student while other students choose a second major to pursue at USM. In either case, students must go through the University Admissions Office to be admitted (or re-admitted for former students) before enrolling in courses.

The following list of prerequisite courses are required for many PA programs.  Since prerequisite courses can vary, students interested in pursuing a PA program should remember to check with their desired schools for their specific requirements.

  • Anatomy and Physiology – BSC 250/L & BSC 251/L
  • Microbiology – BSC 282/L*
  • General Chemistry – CHE 106/L & CHE 107/L
  • Organic Chemistry – CHE 255/L
  • Genetics – BSC 370*
  • Statistics – PSY 360 or other statistics course
  • Medical Terminology – MLS 201

*General Biology I - BSC 110/L & General Biology II - BSC 111/L are pre-requisites for all upper-level biology courses.

The typical admissions requirements for PA school are as follows:

  • A minimum of two years of undergraduate study (though a bachelor's is usually preferred even if not required)
  • A minimum overall GPA of 3.0 (with competitive applicants generally sitting at approximately 3.5)
  • Completion of prerequisite coursework with a grade of C or higher
  • GRE or PA-CAT scores
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Approximately 1,000 hours of direct patient care experience, with supplemental shadowing hours
  • A successful background check
  • The ability to meet each program's technical standards
Applicants typically submit applications through the online Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA). While each PA school has its own deadline, CASPA applications should be submitted more than a month in advance of these individual deadlines. For institutions that do not utilize CASPA, students should contact their respective admissions offices for additional information on how to apply.


What Should I Major In?

The “pre-physician assistant curriculum” is just a list of courses that are required for admission to PA schoolIt is NOT an academic major, a minor, or an emphasis area. Prerequisite courses can vary between PA schools, so it is important to check with individual schools about their requirements and deadlines.

Physician Assistant schools do not require a particular major—pursue a major in which you feel the most comfortable with!  Explore related majors:


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