Post Office
Campus Mail
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All mail going into campus distribution must have a Southern Miss return address. The return address must include at least the sender's last name and box number. The recipient's address must include the first and last name or the department name and a valid box number. If the sender's return address is not a Southern Miss address, postage is required.
Campus mail must be presented in box number order. Campus mail that is not in box number order will require a completed meter card with a valid account number, total number of pieces, department name, box number, phone number and the name or initials of the person that authorized the mail-out. There is a charge of $0.05 per piece for campus mail that is not presented in box number order.
Unaddressed materials, such as advertising, promotions, etc., may be distributed through the campus distribution system, subject to the following guidelines:
- University mailers, $0.01 per piece; material must pertain to university interest
- Non-university mailers, minimum of $0.05 per piece, material must pertain to university interest
- Material subject to Southern Miss Post Office approval