School of Polymer Science and Engineering
USM POLY-PMSE Student Chapter
Page Content
About the Chapter
The ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry (POLY) and Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Student Chapter at Southern Mississippi is a student service association established to provide networking, career development, and leadership opportunities to students and post-doctoral associates in the field of polymer science and engineering. The specific objectives of this chapter are to provide to members:
- A social environment to network with other students with related interests.
- Professional associations that provide intellectual stimulation.
- Experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences.
- A forum in which members can foster professional pride in the chemical sciences.
- A venue to spread awareness of the responsibilities and challenges facing the modern professional.
- A network of peers with a diverse back ground, allowing for collaboration between members.
Members of the POLY-PMSE Student Chapter are encouraged to join the POLY and PMSE technical divisions of the American Chemical Society; however, membership in the technical divisions is not a requirement for membership in the Student Chapter. Follow the links to the POLY and PMSE web sites for more information about technical division membership.
USM POLY-PMSE Student Chapter Activities
This year at the spring ACS meeting two student chapters were recognized for receiving
the inaugural funding awards that are jointly administered by the POLY and PMSE divisions.
The University of Southern Mississippi chapter was awarded $1,000 to bring one academic
and one industrial scientist seminar speaker to campus, support a recycling outreach
program in local public schools and provide professional development activities to
chapter members. The University of South Carolina chapter was awarded $1,000 to sponsor
a lecture series in polymer science bringing in speakers from academia, government
and industry.
Each award had a matching cost-share of $1,000 from the student chapter.