USM Eagle Maker Hub’s Summer Camp Set for June 3-27: Engage in 3D Printing and Robotics Activities
Tue, 05/21/2024 - 01:48pm | By: Ivonne Kawas

The University of Southern Mississippi’s (USM) Eagle Maker Hub’s summer camp is set to return with unique 3D printing and robotics activities. The summer program includes eight two-day camps starting on June 3 and continuing through June 27.
Camps will be held at the makerspace located in the Student Activities Hub, Room 109 on the Hattiesburg Campus.
Eagle Maker Hub is the first public makerspace available at a Mississippi university, providing access to tools for digital fabrication, rapid prototyping and coding. Known for developing new ways to inspire learning in traditional subjects with the latest fabrication technology, Eagle Maker Hub’s primary goal is to place this technology in the hands of all students and teachers to empower future generations.
“Each two-day camp has a unique area of focus, where campers engage in activities ranging from fixing a broken machine to making their own 3D printer, creating a superhero with gadgets, or coding basic robotic actions,” said Dr. Anna Wan, director of Eagle Maker Hub and professor of mathematics. “Providing campers with the opportunity to explore their potential as creators and inventors, they’ll go home with something they built by themselves using high-tech equipment.”
This month-long camp offerings are exclusive to grade school, middle, and high school students. Dr. Wan noted that this year, there’s an opportunity for high school students who might be interested in preparing for the upcoming robotics competition, which will be held in February 2025.
“Something to highlight for this year is that high school students interested in building a robot to practice their skills for the upcoming robotics competition, can come receive mentorship,” said Dr. Wan.
Each camp requires its own registration fee, ranging from $200-$500. Participants must register and bring their own lunch. Register for Eagle Maker Hub’s summer camp.
The camp schedule is as follows:
June 3 & 4 and 5 & 6: Inventors Camp
Do you have a broken machine at home? Don’t care if it ever works again? We’re going to make it into something new! (Bring your broken item and we’ll add lights, circuits, and anything else for you to make your invention!)
- Cost: $200
- Upcoming Grades: 3rd-8th
June 10 & 11 and 12 & 13: Make and Take Your Own 3D Printer
Learn about 3D modeling and printing. Make your own 3D printer and take it home! (Bring your own laptop preferred).
- Cost: $500
- Upcoming Grades: 6th-12th
June 17 & 18: Robotics 1
Coding lights, sounds, and robotic actions. (Bring your own laptop preferred).
- Cost: $300
- Upcoming Grades: 6th-12th
June 19 & 20: Robotics 2
Robotics movements and autonomy. (Bring your own laptop preferred).
- Cost: $300
- Grades: 6th-12th
June 24 & 25: Superhero Camp
Make your own superhero stuff! Design your own tee shirt, mask, and whatever else you would like to 3D print or create!
- Cost: $200
- Upcoming Grades: 3rd-5th
June 26 & 27: Superhero Gadgets Camp
Make your own superhero gadgets! Wonder what superheroes use? We look into the science behind it and try to make it!
- Cost: $200
- Upcoming Grades: 3rd-5th