Delta Pi Chapter of Delta Gamma Sorority to Mark 50 Years during USM’s 2022 Homecoming Week
Tue, 10/11/2022 - 04:25pm | By: David Tisdale
Members of the Delta Pi Chapter of Delta Gamma Sorority at The University of Southern Mississippi pose for a photo of their chapter’s chartering event in 1971 (Submitted photo).
The Delta Pi Chapter of Delta Gamma Sorority at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its founding during homecoming week at the school with a reunion to include a variety of activities on the Hattiesburg campus, starting with a welcome of sorority members at Spirit Park activities Friday evening, Oct. 14; open house at the Delta Gamma house Saturday morning, Oct. 15; and a brunch on Sunday morning, Oct. 16. Approximately 200 alumnae and collegiate members are expected to attend.
This anniversary celebration was previously postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We welcome Delta Gamma alumnae back to campus,” said Laura Laughlin, director of
the USM Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. “DG has a long history of dedicated
women who have faithfully served their organization and Southern Miss. I’m thrilled
the chapter will have the opportunity to celebrate their 50th anniversary on campus, which was postponed due to COVID. There is no better time
than now to reengage with Southern Miss, each other, and our organizations. Happy
50th, ladies!”
Guest speakers for the weekend’s events include Lynn Thompson Phillips, the first chapter president; Stephanie Latza Brown, a Delta Pi initiate recently elected to the national Delta Gamma Executive Council; and Wilma Wilbanks, an Alpha Psi initiate (University of Mississippi Delta Gamma) who just completed her tenure as the national Delta Gamma President. Three of the original charter members will also be in attendance for the reunion and celebration.
Hannah Scott Back, a two-time graduate of USM (bachelor’s 2019, master’s 2025), was a member of the Delta Pi chapter, serving as its Song Chair (2015-2016), Director of Recruitment Records (2016-2017), and Vice President Social Standards (second-in-command, 2017-2018). She currently works with Laughlin as coordinator for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
“It’s always special to see legacy celebrated on campus but seeing my own chapter’s legacy being celebrated is extremely special,” Back said. “My time as a Delta Gamma here at Southern Miss made every bit of my college experience, and now advising my chapter is one of the highest rewards of my professional career. I’m so excited to be reunited with my fellow chapter members from all years this weekend and celebrate what it means to be a Delta Pi Delta Gamma.”
Delta Gamma was a huge part of Jenny Gardner Bishop’s college experience USM, saying it was how she met her closest friends and became involved on campus. A 1992 USM alumna, Bishop served the chapter as intramural chair and house manager as a student; after graduation she also previously served on the chapter’s advisory team for many years in several positions, including advisor to new members and Advisory Team Chair.
“As a collegian in 1990, we were so excited to be a part of the 20th anniversary of the Delta Pi chapter of Delta Gamma, where we were able to meet and work with the charter members of our chapter,” said Bishop, a Hattiesburg native. “Talking to some of those members helped me to understand that the we were not only trying to make our chapter great for us, but we were a part of building and maintaining the foundation of Delta Pi and its members for years to come.”
Bishop attended the chapter’s 30th and the 40th anniversary celebrations as well and said to be able to celebrate 50 years of Delta Gamma at USM means celebrating the newest members, the advisors that continue to dedicate their time and energy, and alumnae who continue to support the chapter.
“It’s a great feeling to be a part of an organization that continues to grow, contribute to and positively impact USM, the Hattiesburg community and the individual members,” Bishop continued. “I am looking forward to meeting many new members and seeing new faces, as well as seeing some that I have not seen in person for almost 30 years.”
USM Delta Pi Alumna Dotty McLeod Krebs (’77) has played a key role in organizing the chapter’s reunion/anniversary activities, For more information about the Delta Pi Chapter of Delta Gamma Sorority’s 50th anniversary celebration events, contact Krebs at