USM’s School of Professional Nursing Practice Offers a Better Way to Pay for College with the Payne Scholarship
Fri, 11/12/2021 - 10:56am | By: Josh Stricklin
The University of Southern Mississippi’s School of Professional Nursing Practice has
made paying for tuition for the Nursing RN-BSN program easier with the Payne Scholarship.
Any RN-BSN student who has completed this short list of requirements may apply for
one of the seven awards:
- Is a Mississippi Resident
- Hasn’t been offered a transfer scholarship
- Submits a 1-2 page essay on the benefits of an RN to BSN degree
This scholarship is part of the program’s efforts to help nurses continue their education by helping with the finances. As Dr. Elizabeth Holman, RN-BSN Coordinator and Assistant Teaching Professor, says, “This scholarship helps to offset tuition to our Mississippi residents so that they are eligible for leadership positions or help to prepare them for graduate school with minimal cost to the student.”
The scholarship offers more than just tuition assistance. With a $50,000 pool, the scholarship impacts both tuition and books for the seven students who are selected, covering $2,100 per student each semester for tuition, and allowing for an extra $280 towards the cost of books for the classes.
“The Payne Scholarship makes finishing a nursing degree online even easier,” says Dr. Tom Hutchinson, Dean of Online Learning and Enrollment. “This scholarship relieves much of the financial responsibility from tuition and books, allowing students to focus on developing leadership skills necessary to thrive in the medical environment.”
The recipients of this scholarship for the fall 2021 semester include:
- Josette Arledge, graduates 12/21
- Christa Burton, graduates 12/21
- Hope Gray, graduates 5/22
- Maegan Rose, graduates 5/22
- Tyler Cruz, graduates 8/22
- Sarah DeJarnette, graduates 8/22
- Victoria Milton, graduates 8/22
The Nursing BSN is designed to help nurses do more with their careers. This program admits students during the fall, spring and summer semesters, and with the Payne Scholarship opportunity, nurses can finish school with the ability to do more in the medical community. Nurses looking to grow their knowledge and skills should visit the Nursing page.