McNair Scholars Program
Why Choose McNair?
The McNair Scholars Program is activism at work! The primary goal of the program is to increase the number of doctoral degrees among first generation, income-eligible populations. We prioritize the realities of each Scholar to help chart individualized pipelines to their desired Ph.D. goal.
The unique experiences of our Scholars demonstrate our committed fight to expand the impact of first generation, income-eligible students in the field of research and beyond. Apply today to join a global network of America's top Scholars and gain:
o $2,800 stipend
o FREE GRE prep
o Graduate fee application fee waivers
o Traveling opportunities
o Professional and career development workshops
o One-on-one research experience with McNair mentor
o Academic publication and presentations
o Graduate experience and preparation
o Individualized tutoring and mentorship
o Life-long access to McNair resources and network
o Social support and networking opportunities