Marine Education Center
Hurricane Bowl
Page Content

National Ocean Sciences Bowl and the Consortium for Ocean Leadership encourage students
to increase their knowledge and understanding of the world’s oceans, inspiring many
to become the next generation of marine scientists, policy makers, teachers, explorers,
technicians, and ocean advocates.
The Central Gulf Coast Regional Hurricane Bowl includes MS, AL, LA, FL, TN and AR. Up to 20 teams will compete for the 2025 Hurricane Bowl Champions title, and the right to compete in the National Ocean Science Bowl in the spring. Registration is on a first come first serve basis. Schools should prioritize 1 team, however if space is available a second team, or “B” may be permitted.
February 1, 2025
Marine Education Center
101 Sweetbay Drive
Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Hurricane Bowl Flyer
Schools are encouraged to focus on 1 team (an" A" team) however a second team ("B" team) may also be registered. Priority will be given to A teams to allow the maximum number of schools to compete. If the A team bracket does not fill up, B teams will be admitted based on their registration date. Notification of B team acceptance will take place after the registration deadline.
Each team MUST have 4 members. You may also register an alternate. Your alternate will only compete if another team member drops out.
You may also have an assistant coach if desired.
Registration is through Eventbrite. All team members must be registered at the same time. The team registration form will provide a template to gather your team's information. Email marine.educationFREEMississippi with any questions.
Required Information:
- Team Registration (must include information for all team members)
- Coach Registration (required for each coach)
- Parental Consent (required for each student participants)
- Boat Waiver Form (required for each participant)
- The deadline for registration is December 2024.
- B team competition status will be determined at that time.
Modifications to the team rosters will be permitted until January 15, 2025.
Coach Registration Forms, Parental Consent Forms, and Boat Waiver Forms are due by
January 15.
Meals and accommodations will be provided by the MEC. Travel will be at the expense
of participating teams.
Please email marine.educationFREEMississippi to register.
- Team registration deadline: December 2024
- Regional Competition Ocean Springs, Mississippi: February 1, 2025
- National Ocean Science Bowl®, Finals Competition (Virtual) May 17 - 18, 2025
- Team Registration
- Coach Registration (required for each coach)
- Parental Consent (required for each student participant)
- Boat Waiver Form (required for each participant)
- NOSB: Study Resources
- NOSB: General Resource Guide
- NOSB: Sample Questions
- Tide Facts and Definitions
- Sediment Grain Size Analysis for K-12 Teachers
- Historical Changes in the Mississippi-Alabama Barrier-Island Chain and the Roles of Extreme Storms, Sea Level, and Human Activities
- A Descriptive Explanation of Ocean Tides
- 102 Practice Questions from NOSB
- Lab Exercises - Salinity, temperature, and Turbidity
- Student Buzzer Questions
- Key Terms - Water Quality Education Test Kit
- Tracing Oil Reserves to Their Origins, New York Times
- Blue Crab Bowl, Virginia
- Orca Bowl, Washington
- Penguin Bowl, Ohio/Pennsylvania
- Sea Lion Bowl, San Francisco, California
- Tsunami Bowl, Alaska
- Consortium for Ocean Leadership
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- National Ocean Sciences Bowl
- YouTube
- NOAA, Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Watch
- NOAA National Hurricane Center
- Damage Hurricanes Cause - Winds and Storm Surges
- National Hurricane Center Storm Surge Simulations
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Education Stuff for Kids - General resource, includes games!
- Practice Questions from the Alaska Tsunami Bowl website
- The Great Pacific Garbage patch