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Lake Thoreau Environmental Center

Volunteer Opportunities

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Marks McWhorter with Gray Rat SnakeThere are several ways to get involved at Lake Thoreau Environmental Center! Whether you’re an individual or representing a group, we have several opportunities for you to get involved.


If you or your organization would like to assist us with special projects or events at Lake Thoreau, please contact us through the 'contact us' icon on our main page.


Megan Chevis with Rose-haired TarantulaBecome a Docent! 

Looking to do more? Beginning in 2015, our Docent program for the Department of Biological Sciences is now in its second year. This volunteer program will be dedicated towards providing valuable educational experiences to members of the Hattiesburg community and assisting the biology department in fulfilling its goal of advancing scientific knowledge. As a docent, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Become a more effective communicator and educator
  • Speak with visitors at Lake Thoreau Environmental Center, the Biological Sciences Learning Center and through outreach programs in the greater Hattiesburg area
  • Conduct educational programs and assist the Outreach Coordinator in the development and implementation of events
  • Learn about native wildlife and habitats of South Mississippi and how to identify key speciesJen Lamb with Glass Lizard
  • Receive training on how to properly handle wildlife during educational programs
  • Serve as an ambassador for the Biology Department
  • Become a member of our Friends of Lake Thoreau



Students playing food web game


Our goal is to provide a program that gives just as much back to the volunteer as we in turn get for your assistance. We are excited about bringing this program to the Department of Biological Sciences at USM and hope that you will join us in January!





If you are a photographer and would like to assist us in increasing our photographic collection at Lake Thoreau, we would love your submissions! We would like to thank Jen Lamb, Shannon Fortenberry, Daniel McNair, Carmen Bofill, Kelly Breland, Jay Eubanks, Lauren Liddon and Marks McWhorter for their contributions.


Contact Us

Lake Thoreau Environmental Center
150 Lake Thoreau Road

Open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Saturdays and Sundays

Campus Map

