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Carl Szczechowski placeholder

Carl Szczechowski


  • Satellite Oceanography (MS) - University of British Columbia (1986)
  • BS - University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (1981)
  • Potential oceanographic applications of satellite altimetry for inferring subsurface thermal structure, Proceedings OCEANS '83, 1983
  • Comparison of satellite-derived Gulf Stream front and eddy analyses with GEOSAT underflight AXBT data, Marine Technology Society Journal, 1992
  • The Marr-Hildreth Operator as an Eddy Detector, Proceedings: Automated Interpretation of Oceanographic Satellite Images Workshop, 1991
  • Forecasting the Environment of the Littoral Waters in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2001), 2002, 10.1061/40628(268)61
  • Northern Gulf of Mexico Littoral Initiative Modeling Program, Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (2001), 2002, 10.1061/40628(268)60
  • Mesoscale variability between New York and Bermuda from repeated XBT sections and satellite altimetry, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 1985
  • Temporal and spatial scales of the Yellow Sea thermal variability, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1997
  • Global and regional ocean thermal analysis systems, Marine Technology Society Journal, 1997

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Stennis Space Center Room 138 Building 1020



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Areas of Expertise

physical oceanography