Dr. Jake Schaefer
Research in my lab focuses on the evolutionary ecology, physiology and conservation of freshwater fishes. Much of the research utilizes species in the Fundulus notatus species complex (F. notatus, F. olivaceus and F. euryzonus) to address basic questions in evolutionary ecology. The species in this complex are closely related and known to hybridize in numerous replicate hybrid zones throughout their broadly overlapping ranges. Within areas of coexistence, the species usually segregate along the river continuum with areas of hybridization and coexistence focused on confluences. Interestingly, in some areas of the distribution, typical up and downstream distributions may be reversed. Thus, hybrid zones in this system are replicated and replicate hybrid zones vary in the degree of genetic divergence and ecology of the parental species.
More details at http://ichthyology.usm.edu
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (PHD) - University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (1999)
- MS - University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (1995)
- BS - Stetson University (1992)
Population and Community Ecology
Multivariate Applications in Ecology
Environmental Physiology
- Altered metapopulation dynamics in a headwater specialist in geomorphically dynamic catchments, Freshwater Biology, 2024, 10.1111/fwb.14299
- Fluvial geomorphic evolution and stream fish community trajectories in the Bayou Pierre, Mississippi, U.S.A., Freshwater Biology, 2023, 10.1111/fwb.14174
- Variable rates of hybridization among contact zones between a pair of topminnow species, Fundulus notatus and F. olivaceus, Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 10.1002/ece3.10399
- The influence of habitat characteristics on the occupancy and dispersal of two headwater fishes in a dendritic network, EcoSphere, 2023
- Society for the Study of Evolution
- American Fisheries Society
- Ecological Society of America
- Southeasetern Fishes Council
- Southwestern Association of Naturalists