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Association of Office Professionals

Affilliations Committee

Page Content

Chairman: Cindy Walker,

Members:  Cory Williams 


What is the Affiliations Committee? 
This committee is responsible for the selection process for the USM AOP Educational Administrator and Office Professional of the year and shall work to assure presentation of these awards annually. The recipients of the USM AOP Administrator and Office Professional of the Year may be the USM AOP nominees for the MAEOP Administrator and Office Professional of the Year; this committee will be responsible for filing the MAEOP documentations for our award winners.

Additionally, this committee works to keep members apprised of scholarships both at the national and state level of our associated organizations, as well as managing any scholarships our chapter at USM chooses to give out.


If you would like to join the Affiliations Committee, please contact Cindy Walker.


Contact Us

Association of Office Professionals
118 College Drive #5181 Hattiesburg, MS 39406

Hattiesburg Campus

Campus Map

